Alien Abduction –


When Alisha and Nikko get abducted by space aliens Nikko becomes frightened that she pees in her shots. Alisha, on the other hand, is just disappointed she didnt get to experience an even closer encounter.This video starts with Alisha and Nikko, sitting out, talking the occurrence of Aliens. Alisha is certain that aliens have to exist, and hopes to meet one daily. Nikko doubts aliens are not real. She thinks that Alisha is being ridiculous.Their dialogue is soon interrupted when they see a UFO in the distance. They are approached by the flying saucer teleports them . They materialize in a cage inside the Aliens spacecraft.Alisha will be ecstatic. She’s waited her whole life. She is about to make initial contact, having always thought when the aliens arrived they’d select her.Nikko, isnt so excited. In actuality, she’s terrified. She is afraid that aliens might want to participate in experiments that are , or perhaps eat them. Having a complete bladder, together with being locked in a cage in an alien spacecraft is a lot for Nikko to deal with. She ends up along with her pants.After wetting herselfthe aliens teleport both girls down to wherever they were just ahead of the abduction. Alisha is annoyed. She believe the aliens rejected them . Nikko, traumatized by the experience, is just pleased to be back on Earth.

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