Evan Seancody.com – videoxxx.cc


Our interviewer stated, “So now we have another military man.” You just came out of the Marines. Evan replied, “Yes, it was Sunday.” It had only been two days before Sunday. Evan said, “I used to be a combat airtraffic controller.” Our interviewer responded, “So basically you blew up evil guys.” “Pretty much, yeah. Evan answered “gay” when asked his orientation. When asked his status as catcher/pitcher, he replied, “IA, I’m versatile.” What is it about Marines that makes them so hot? It’s true. Evan is a puppy-dog with perfect eyes and a ripped, lean body. HeA’s also gay! “WhatAs your favourite position while youA’re being pounded?” He laughed and replied “Doggie Style.” It’s actually reverse cowboy. And finally, “Does your boyfriend even know youA’re doing it?” Evan laughed and replied “Uh-huh. It may seem like Evan knew the answers before the interviewer asked them. That’s because it was. Evan is Evan’s boyfriend. A

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