Our”desert escape” home was so nice and private that we ended up extending our stay along with inviting a few of our other boys to get a visit.Nicolas was out of college and Danny was able to take some time off work so bringing them out was fairly easy.Nicolas was a little concerned about his pale skin. He and Danny were sitting by the pool in their swimming trunks. “Why dont you put a little sunscreen on Nicolas?” I asked Danny.Danny slathered a large glob around Nicolas back. “I believe his bum requires some also,” I joked.Nicolas removed his trunks. I could tell he was sort of nervous. “You have a hairy butt,” Danny said with a big smile on his face. “Yeah, I really do. “Danny did his very best to find the sunscreen on through the hair. It was enjoyable to watch!It was hot out and the two of them were super straight up. The great thing about the desert house was that there were no girls anywhere in sight!
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